Krystel has asthma, Rosa and Lydia have gastritis, Lucia has a cyst in her ovaries. Brianna has asthma
What do they need most now:
help for Lucia’s school and a cement floor
In the future:
a larger house and more education
Notes: Lucia would like help with her studies. She would like to finish her 5th year of high school and then study English and computers. She would love to study languages and be a translator. There are still 10 people living in the house. Several of them have separate bedrooms, but common areas are shared. They would also love to have cement floors so the rain would not soak up from the floor. Mercedes works in Managua and is only home about every two weeks. Pablo Sr, Pablo Jr, and Mauricio work together to sell beans and rice but it is very inconsistent. Lucia’s pay as a deaconess and teacher is very low and is more of a courtesy than an actual income. Their future dreams are to have a larger house and to expand the merchant business.