Alexa (1 HS), Cristian (2nd yr at university in Chinandega)
Do the kids have aspirations:
Nellie-doctor, Cristian-accountant
Illnesses in the family:
What do they need most now:
Security for house
In the future:
education and health
Notes: Cristian is a cousin living with this family. She has graduated high school but would love to continue studying accounting. She has graduated from high school and is in her first year at the university in Chinandega studying accounting. Although their home is block, they are constantly getting broken in to. They need to secure it more. To them, this means a fence around the yard. Anthony serves as the head of the household working at a shrimp factory and protecting his family. Raquel works at the SILAS office in town as a purchaser. They stated they are not starving like some people but can always use more help. Alexa is a very cute girl with a sweet little voice. She sounds very professional and intelligent. As of August 2016 the family is doing well and the house is in excellent shape.