Yelva (2 HS), Andres (2 HS), Martha (2 HS), Francisco (2 HS), Emmanuel (2nd), Kayling (2 HS)
Do the kids have aspirations:
Illnesses in the family:
Kayling has headaches
What do they need most now:
help with school
In the future:
Notes: The father died in 1998. Virginia has lived in Santa Patricia since 2000. She came here because land was affordable. She supports her family by making and selling tortillas. The older children help when not in school. We received a letter from her asking us to visit. They had three beds for seven people two with holes in the caneing. They had no chairs to sit on. We were able to repair two of the beds. The man repairing the beds found a third bed which they couldn’t use at all, and repaired it also. We also purchased a used bed, and two chairs. Virginia looks very tried keeping up with this large family. It is amazing that she has them all in school. The land is owned by her children and her brothers kids. New house in Feb 2015