does volunteer work teaching English at the school in Santa Patricia
Pets/Livestock owned:
1 dog
Do they own any transportation:
What condition is their house in:
New house March 2010
Who currently goes to school:
Salomon (3rd yr university-social studies)
Do the kids have aspirations:
Juan – accountant (has acctg degree, not licensed), Saloman – social studies
Illnesses in the family:
Bertha – bad hip and on crutches. Needs hip replacement, diabetes
What do they need most now:
Bertha needs reconstructive hip surgery, no income so any economic help appreciated.
In the future:
Juan plans to travel
Notes: Berta Mairena lives with her two sons. Since Berta is disabled, she can not work. She relies on crutches to walk on her bad right hip. She needs a hip reconstruction/replacement. They rely on her daughter across the street to provide for them. Salomon is at university. Juan has completed his basic accounting degree but is not licensed. It requires more school for licensing. Jobs without a license in that field is difficult. She received a new blender from BASIC for making and selling frozen treats. Very sweet people. New house in March 2010