Eugenia has blood pressure, heart, and hip problems
What do they need most now:
In the future:
Notes: Eugenia’s grand-daughters were trying to take over the house that we built for her. She does have title to the land. Her grand-daughter Belinda’a husband seems to be the one stirirng up the trouble. Things got so bad that she had to ask Belinda, her husband , and their two children to leave. Her daughter, the mother of these girls, thinks the house should go to them, and also does not speak to Eugenia. Her son Emillo is supportive of her, and helps with income. Another daughter was visiting while we were there in 2012, and is also supportive. While we were there in 2012 we received a letter from Eugenia saying that Belinda’s husband was threatening to kill to her son. All of this has Eugenia very sad, and upset. A new wash sink was purchased for her in Nov, 2012.grand-daughter Rachel and her son are living with Eugenia again. Eugenia has expanded her home store and seems to be doing better. Two of Eugenia’s neighbors told me privately that although she allows Rachel and her son to live with her, she does not share any of the food we give her with them. Rachel and her son also live in a very poor plastic and tin addition to the house. Sponsored. New house built in March 2011
Sponsored by Norm & June Nesheim. New house by Jack & Evelyn Martin.