All block and brick no door or windows to back part of house
Who currently goes to school:
Dagna (3 HS) , Jacqueline, 4th year of medical school, Mirlen 5th year nursing school.
Do the kids have aspirations:
Jacqueline – medicine, Mirlen – nursing, Dagna- surgery
Illnesses in the family:
What do they need most now:
In the future:
Fixing up the rest of the house
Notes: Maribel works at a store selling fabrics even though she does not know how to sew. The girls all have specific career choices, and are serious about their education. Maribel would like to learn to sew, and share these skills with her daughters. Ideally she would like to open a clothing store. She works long hours, so the girls are often alone. Maribel would like for their home to be more secure. She has worked at the same job for 5 years. This family came to Santa Patricia in 1998 because they had no place to live. Children all seem very focused on their education. Jacqueline received a computer from Basic in Feb. 2015 to assist her with her studies. In August 2015 she received $1025 for school. In Sep, 2015 she received $190 for transportation and in Feb 2016 she received $1600 for school and transportation. Her mother is a sister to Odiliy, family #40.