1 bicycle and Jorge has a very new looking motorcycle
What condition is their house in:
it has improved, made out of block
Who currently goes to school:
Jorge (3rd HS), Wigman (4th), Gabriella (3rd)
Do the kids have aspirations:
Jorge-loves mechanical
Illnesses in the family:
Jorge has epileptic seizures, Wendy’s lack of memory
What do they need most now:
health for the family
In the future:
family health
Notes: About 2006 Jorge drank poison, thinking it was water. He survived, but it went straight to his brain. He now has epileptic seizures now. He can actually feel when he has an episode coming on, usually around the changing of the moon. He does not take medication consistently, but only when he feels an episode coming on. Wendy had a high fever when she was 2 months old. She stayed in the hospital for 6 months, fighting what was almost meningitis. As a result, she is very forgetful. She remembers some things but has random memory. The family moved to Santa Patricia in 1999 because they had no place to live. This family has health concern for 2 of the children, but otherwise seems to be thriving.