Yaritza has graduated and would like to go to nursing school, Santos (2 HS), Alexania (2nd)
Do the kids have aspirations:
Yaritza-nurse, Santos-doctor
Illnesses in the family:
Claudia-kidney issues
What do they need most now:
In the future:
Education for the kids
Notes: Javier and Claudia work hard to provide for their family. Claudia has kidney disease, and high blood pressure. She does not take medication for this, because they don’t have enough money. Her brother Arlin sleeps at their house at night, and stays with her sister family #43 in the daytime. They had a door installed between where he sleeps and the rest of the house. He at times becomes agitated, and needs to be separated from the family. This family is also related to family #107. They currently have another sister of her of Claudia’s living with them.